If during the antiquity we had a discussion with a Spartan on the community he had formed with the Helots, he might had laughed at us or he might prefer to extinguish the signs of our insulting thoughts, along with us. Most likely, an Helot would be left by such a conversation just as wondered and insulted.
The Helots, the human herds of the Spartans, were not a class inside the society of their rulers. Helots were enslaved societies, compelled by the conquering raid, the war violence and the power of the Spartan weapons. For the Spartans, Helots were not even considered having human substance and their life had no other value than the profits it would bring to them.
Spartans after their original conquering raid were bound to maintain their warring abilities in order to be protected from the attempts of the enslaved societies to liberate themselves. War became ever since, both for the Spartans and the Helots, mandatory and continuous, sometimes as an open confrontation, while other times, from the side of the Spartans, through preventive measures.
The Spartans and the Helots, never existed as a single society but instead they were autonomous societies under constant war, one of which was massively dominating upon the other, one was flourishing while the other was been destroyed.
This kind of coercion, the coercion of enslavement achieved by the constant war of a dominant society on the subjugated societies, has been and still is the foundation of all modern societies.
Enslavement and coercion do not exist as a natural, mandatory evolution of the societies, they didn’t occur at a one-way course that societies necessarily follow, but instead they occurred under specific circumstances and as a choice of specific tribes and people. Enslavement and coercion though, ever since they were invented, formed an environment of antagonism between the societies, leading some to enslavement while others to reproducing and spreading of the conquering violence.
Through centuries, both dominant and vassal societies constantly change their form and characteristics, nevertheless, war between them continues undisrupted.
Nowadays, the dominant societies hide their real face behind ideological creations such as nation, classes, state, parliamentary republic. Nowadays, most of the dominant societies cannot be easily founded upon teachings of race superiority or divine commands, therefore they have built the fable of the society being an arena ruled by free antagonism and unlimited potentials, in which some succeed and some fail. In this myth the failure of the failed ones can not be charged on the successful ones. Naturally, when such teachings fail their goals, the armed forces of each dominant society, as executives of a single democratic society, funded and even manned by the oppressed and enslaved, are always ready to impose the doctrine of the legal order.
Just like in ancient Peloponnese, same today, enslaved Helots carry the weapons of their masters, participate in their wars, while whenever they remember their lost freedom and sovereignty they find themselves confronted by the mercenary armies of the dominant societies.
The fact that a dominant society does not exist as a genetic continuity of a specific race is of no importance. To begin with, as Strauss says, the meaning of race in human societies does not limit to the genetic features, since, it is the cultural rules that define who mates with whom, who are included and who excluded. Furthermore, even if the Roman empire dominant society at its origin consisted of Romans, five hundred years later it was consisted of people from all over the empire. There was one feature though of this dominant society left unchanged through centuries: it was the society who by the force of arms compelled other societies to fulfill its wishes.
Today, dominant societies, after centuries of violent and indoctrinating practices, have greatly succeeded in convincing their vassals that all people together constitute one single society, and that each one is, more or less, placed to the appropriate class accordingly to his capabilities, his efforts, fate or god’s will.
It is, therefore, totally illusive to name our societies class societies, maintaining this way the teaching that each one of them is a single society evolving from the beginning of time, in which each person acts for the benefit of all, similarly to a beehive, where each one according to his inherited or acquired features obtains the position and the privileges he is worthy.
Modern societies are warring societies. They were born by war and are maintained by war. Without war, weapons and violence, the ability of a dominant society to force other societies in serving its goals does not exist.
Each dominant society is bound to conduct a constant war on the vassal societies inside its territory, and a constant war on other dominant societies. War on other dominant societies is mandatory due to the need each one of these societies has to constantly increase its strength, through increasing its vassal, exploited societies.
A great part of these wars is conducted on a symbolic level, without the use of obvious violence and bloodsheds, taking names like monetary union, public debt, English law, capital controls, private property and so on. Each time such a symbolic war becomes insufficient for the interests of one or another dominant society, with no delay the arms are preceded, and the mercenaries are mobilized to either fight the unarmed vassals or the foreign mercenaries.
German woman been publicly punished in Nazi Germany, for her alleged relation to an “inferior” male, possibly Jew or Slav. The race purity has been a major doctrine of most dominant societies. When such ancient teachings fail or turn to seem regressive in our democratic societies, the financial and social exclusion succeeds the same results in the demarcation of the warring societies. The proof of inferiority of the compelled people and societies becomes silently obvious, due more to their failure in the free and democratic arena than to a racial inferiority.
Soldiers precede their weapons at the University of Berkeley, California, 1969.